Writing - Publication - Reading

Mappings are a political Tool. Mappings are a spatial Praxis. Your Body performs in the Field. There is no Map without an Authorship.There is no Map without an embodied spatial Reaction. Mappings are very often a tool of universal representation of the word and the built environment. To criticize this position the body becomes a key actor in the field explorations.
The spatial “praxis” of embodied and performative mapping focus on the process of map making. A process of steady rereadings and redrawings of the field and observations. To document the field exploration, the studies of qualitative research are ethnological evidences from references to spatial praxis and the sociology of architecture. By the meaning of process the struggle of „the“ territory and authorship (for whom I am drawing and with what kind of resources) is a high priority in the Counter-Mappings.
Reallabor Hagenmarkt, edited by Elisabeth Endres, Gabriele G.Kiefer, Folker Köbberlin, Tatjana Schneider
Discussion on Performative Mapping:
Performative Mapping at the Exhibition Mapping Along. Margins of Conflics
read more about Critical-Mappings:
Routlege Reasearch Essay "Ecologies Design
Transforming Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism" - Being with Hellersdorf: performative counter-mapping as a reflexive practice between architecture and anthropology - in collaboration with Holger Braun-Thürmann
Article for urban transcript with Carolin Genz:
Mapping as Bodywork
In the Booklet of the exhibition Mapping Along. Margins of Conflict
Saptial Intimacy - mapping as a performative action
Essay on the Summerschool in Kosice organized by spolka.collective
Researchgate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Diana-Lucas-Drogan-2">Diana Lucas-Drogan on ResearchGate
For her Counter-Mapping teaching classes she developed the tactic “Detailorama”
The Detailorama is an inductive scanning of the field. The concentrated focus of one view creates locally driven process of a site specific mapping. Using this singular concentration the work becomes an anti-generic character. The detail (object, movement of specific encounters, material….) will pronounce automatically rhizomatic connections to wider regulations, rules and discourses. Thus it helps the mapping practitioner to struggle with the genius loci and to develop a content and site specific language and media culture.