since 11/23: DILeLa - Digital Innovation and Learning Lab HNE Eberswalde
01/12/21-30/10/23 leading the communal office for urban planning/ economic development and building law Waren (Müritz)
17/05/24: Workshop Performative Critical Mapping at TU Berlin Design Computation
06/06/24: Symposium KISDconference Intervening Drawing
29/09/23 panellist at Deutscher Architekt*innentag organized by the Bundesarchitekt*innenkammer
16/03/23 hosting the housing conference - Waren (Müritz) and commoning the city center - together with "Bauen für Alle"
06/10/21 online lecture "Architectural Recording a citing Praxis - towards a performative and feminist view" - GSD Harvard, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Mapping the Political Economy of Space
11/09/21 urban curator for the public-participatory program WERTStadt - performative Urbanität linked to the exhibition "Urbanität in Bearbeitung"- Kunstverein Ludwigshafen
22/05/21 with metroZones Video "Nothing to lose but our supply chains" for - Austrian Pavilion 17th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia 2021
07/05/21 - 7pm metroZones Saloon - Mapping and Performance - Program of the exhibition Mapping along. Ränder des Widerstreits aufzeichnen
19/04/21 lecturer at GTAS Brunswick "Tentacular Figuration" - feminist solidary recording of Hagenmarkt
16/04/21 curator and artist - exhibition at Kunstraum Bethanien - metroZones - Mapping along. Ränder des Widerstreits aufzeichnen
12/01/2021 online lecture at HCU Hamburg Urban Design, Prof.Dr.Kathrin Wildner
07/12/2020 Aachener Montagabendgespräche mit Suzanne Hall - RWTH Aachen
02/12/2020 Beratungsdienstleistung "Wünschenswerte Wohnzukünfte in der Elbetalregion - Potenzialanalyse Neue Wohnform" mit Team subsolar+ (Saskia Hebert, Tatjana Schneider, Anke Strauß, Sarah Bäcker, Diana Lucas-Drogan, Eike Lucas), BMBF - Grüne Werkstatt Wendland - Wir! Buündnis Elbe Valley
07/11/2020 exhibition with Metrozones at Silent Works - Hidden Labor in AI Capitalism
29/09/20 online lecture - GSD Harvard, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Mapping the Political Economy of Space
01/10/2020 lecturer at GTAS Brunswick, Kar(Stadt)Wert - performative Aufzeichnungspraxen des "Bewohnens", Prof.Dr. Tatjana Schneider
17/06/20 online lecture - Bauhaus Universität Weimar / Feministische Stadt
26/05/20 online lecture - Architecture School Lund
22/04/20 online lecture - Politecnico di Milano - Polimi
15/05/20 lecturer at GTAS Brunswick "Institut für örtliche Angelegenheiten" (since 2019)
31/01/20 Final Crits "Mapping the wicked Problem" TU Berlin
16/12/19 Mapping Workshop at Field School: Berlin Critical Investigation into Urban Space - Labor für Kunst und Forschung + Observational Practices Lab, the New York School
2019 - 2020 research assistant TU Berlin / Architecture - BA + MA design studio